Coumadin Counter

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sock it to Me

I recently purchased two pairs of compression socks to help keep the blood in my legs moving. And also because the doctors confirmed with an ultrasound that I still have a clot in my popliteal vein in my left leg which is located behind the knee.  See the diagram below. 

My gut feeling said there was still a clot in my left leg and I hate it when I am right about some things.

Back to the Socks
I did a little research and the good ones are not cheap.  Could you imagine spending $35 on a pair of socks?  Well I did.  I bought two pairs.  They're from a company called Quattro Fitness.  I'll add a photo or two of me wearing them soon.  I've worn them the last two days and I have noticed a difference already in how my left leg feels.  Could they actually be working so soon? Possibly.  Could it also be a placebo effect? Also could be true.  Either way I'm hooked on their look and they're fairly comfortable.  I think a monthly update on the sock situation will be appropriate.

I have already researched other brands and I am tempted to try a couple different ones to see which ones work the best.  A review of each could be in order.

I played kickball in the socks Wednesday.  I forgot for most of the game that I was wearing them until the third inning when I was caught in a short game of pickle down the third baseline.  Luckily, I faked out the third basemen and dove safely back to third.  After standing up on the base, I realized both socks had fallen down my legs a bit.  They usually sit knee high.

The next step is wearing them on at least a 3 mile run.  Not sure if running is the best thing though since my left leg tends to get numb around 1.5 miles.  It's frustrating since I used to be in great shape and never had health issues or injuries.  And then I go from one extreme to the other.  Blood clots and massive pulmonary embolism.

My luck at times seems twisted.  I'm lucky to have survived such a usually fatal condition but also not lucky to have the condition in the first place.  But this whole ordeal has been a giant life changing event and has made me realize both how fragile and powerful the human body can be.

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